Creative Strategy
March 28, 2022

The only way to know what ideas are worth sharing is to share your ideas.

Open Reference

I don't have any proof that putting your work into the world is any better than hiding.

But, I've found that my best ideas don't matter to anyone when I'm the only one that has them. And not letting them go or putting them out doesn't magically make them any better.

And slowly, over time, if I hoard my ideas, I end up with a dark little cave where I tuck away all my ideas. As if some a winter is coming, but that winter where someone comes and asks me for my ideas to warm them up and help the world, it never comes.

If you agree that having your ideas in the world, outside of the idea cave, is better than hiding them - the next question is, how do you put your ideas out? And what ideas are worth sharing?

Here you find a paradox - the only way to know what ideas are worth sharing is to share your ideas.

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